Mark Stucker 


Regional Ground Travel




















Currently I'm working out of Cincinnati, Ohio residing in Clifton. 
I travel for regional work to the
Dayton, Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville and Lexington areas. They are all within a two hour travel window.


Here are nearby cities and their drive times from Cincinnati:
Travel times & Distances

Columbus, OH

120 min.

106 miles

Dayton, OH

45 min.

50 miles

Indianapolis, IN

115 min.

110 miles

Lexington, KY

85 min.

83 miles

Louisville, KY

105 min.

103 miles



Contact Mark Stucker at 513-325-4943 or at

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, 
but when there is nothing left to take away.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery