Center - "Boofest"
An 1802 to
1960's historical walk
through haunted Cincinnati with live actors in the lower exhibit hall of Union
Terminal. Designed and installed all lighting, temporary power and
visual/mechanical special effects for this 7,000-10,000sq. ft. Halloween
exhibit. Supervised large crews under tight deadlines. The second year the exhibit drew 38,000 people during its
three week run.
Lighting Director
for Peace- Union
Terminal Auditorium
"World Music Party"
lighting for this musical/dance presentation at Union
Terminal Auditorium. Featuring Drums for Peace and area world
music artists and dancers.
Lighting Designer
Waters Union
Terminal Auditorium
with composer/creator Shari Lauter on a multi-media art
performance piece depicting an alternative view of the Ohio
River through dance, video, music, scent and narration.
Designed lighting and served as Technical Director during the
three live performances. Used moving/patterned light to
illuminate the ceiling and sides of the theater during
segments to immerse the audience in the production.
Lighting Designer/Tech Director
Art On the Square
and installed lighting for annual Art Fair in and around
downtown Cincinnati involving sculpture, photography &
painting of area artists. Coordinated seven different venues
in this first season ever arts event.
Lighting Designer
Toys - "Ice Dance Princess"
Toy exhibit
for pre-"Toy Fair" in Cincinnati and Dallas.
Designed and installed lighting for a miniature ice rink.
Included a servo controlled mini follow spot for the skating
doll installed in the ceiling along with a mirror ball to create moving
sparkles in showroom. Highlighted with lighting other rink attributes all esthetically
concealed in the ceiling tiles.
Lighting Designer
Hill -
Consortium/Grailville "Discoveries"
Designer for an 'alternative' theatrical production about the
not so rosy side of Christopher Columbus. Created computer graphics in Corel Draw
to be displayed on a large
visual background element in play. Transferred graphics &
photographically shot images to slides and programmed them with a fader
unit. Lit & focused the play in two different venues.
Lighting Designer/Graphic Designer