Mark Stucker 


DP/Cam Op Credits Detail

Discovery Channel - "Wings 'Ejection Seat'"
DP/Camera Operator

Segment on the history of the ejection seat for a series airing on the Discovery Channel. Shot interviews and ejection seat testing simulations at Wright Pat Air Force Base in Dayton.

Nature Conservancy - "Saving the Macaw River"
DP/Camera Operator

Documentary on a regional group involved in devising a 100 year plan for their river. Shot extensive exterior interviews for a segment along this Illinois river. Intended to air on PBS in 97.

Fox Network-Encounters - "Bobby Macky"
DP/Camera Operator

Segment for the Fox network on a haunted nightclub and well where a customer was suing the owner for alleged damages from a ghost. On a two day notice brought together crew and out-of-state specialized equipment for a four day shoot. Shot film and video. Show aired nationally in Dec. 94


Southern States College - "Future in Your Own Backyard"
DP/Camera Operator

Series of six fast paced spots. All scenes were hand-held on location at the college with extensive camera and talent choreographed movement . Won 6 Telly awards in 1994.


Proctor & Gamble "Scope - Germ Killer"
DP/Camera Operator

Test spot for national mouthwash commercial. Footage was combined with 3D computer animated graphics inside the mouth.


Mead Data - "Win With Nexis"

Promotional/marketing video distributed to television broadcast facilities in the U.S. for Mead's Nexis news computer service. Won a 1st Place Gold Camera Award at the 1990 U.S. Industrial Film & Video Festival.
DP/Camera Operator